Homilies from St. Mark's
If you would like to read Fr. Kevin's Homilies, please click on the links below.
Homilies are also on Substack at https://kalishk.substack.com/
Feast of St. Innocent (10/6/24)
16th Sunday after Pentecost-- Fathers of the Seventh Ecumenical Council (10/13/24)
Homily on the Rich Man and Lazarus (10/20/24)
19th Sunday after Pentecost--Luke 8:41-56 (11/3/24)
"What Shall I Do To Inherit Eternal Life?" Luke 10:25-37 (11/10/24)
Forgetting and Remembering. Luke 12:16-21 (11/17/24)
On Giving Thanks. The Ten Lepers. Luke 17:12-19.