Orthodoxy 102 Fall 2024
Understanding Orthodox Worship
This series of classes goes beyond the basics of Orthodox beliefs and church history. Classes will take place online (use this link).
Recordings of previous sessions, as well as copies of the slides, are available here.
All are welcome to attend!
Schedule and Topics
Thursday, Oct. 10, 7:00 pm: The Theotokos and the Saints
Thursday, Oct. 24, 7:00 pm: The Liturgical Year
Thursday, Nov. 7, 7:00 pm: Divine Services, part 1 - Hours& Vespers
Thursday, Nov. 21, 7:00 pm: Divine Services, part 2 - Matins
Wednesday, Dec. 4 7:00 pm: Divine Services, part 3 - Proskomedia/Divine Liturgy
Thursday, Dec. 19, 7:00 pm: Divine Services, part 2 - Divine Liturgy Continued
Thursday, Jan. 2, 7:00 pm: Sacraments/Mysteries, part 1
Thursday, Jan. 23, 7:00 pm: Sacraments/Mysteries, part 2
For questions, contact Fr. Kevin at frkevinkalish@gmail.com